
C       Files

This appendix explains the purpose and format of the files used by DMol. "Generic" files (i.e., files used by several MSI programs) are described in separate File Formats documentation. Samples of some files are also included. This appendix documents the following files:

Sample .input file

.inmol file

.car and .arc files

.pchg file

COSMO input files

espfit.inp file

q_isotopes.dat file

Input for statistical mechanics analysis

.coord file (standalone mode only)

.zmat file (standalone mode only)

.gzmat file (standalone mode only)

.symdec file

.sum file

.outmol file

.cosmo file

Occupancy file

Optical absorption results

Plot files

.hess File

Output from statistical mechanics

Scratch files

Generic files include the .hessian and density of states files.

Input files

The DMol .input file consists of keywords and their associated options which direct the calculation and provide options for various aspects of the calculation. The input file may be as long or as short as is necessary; keywords that do not explicitly appear in the .input file are set to their default values.

Only one keyword and its associated options may appear on a line of the .input file. The keywords in the .input file are case-insensitive (i.e., you may use upper- and/or lowercase characters interchangeably).

Comment lines (specified by beginning the line with "#") and blank lines are ignored.

Thus, a typical .input file would look like:

# Comment
keyword_1 option_1
keyword_2 option_2
# Comment
keyword_3 option_3

.input file keywords and options are fully described in Appendix E, Commands--Standalone Mode and summarized according to function in Chapter 7, Command Summary--Standalone Mode.

The .input file can be created with a text editor, in the dmol_master interface, or in the dialog interface. When the .input file is used, DMol automatically creates the corresponding .inmol file. The valid keywords for .input are documented in Appendix E.

Sample .input file

The following .input file shows both the file's format and the default values for all keywords.

#  These are the MSI-set defaults for the DMol UIF parameters
Product DMol
Version 960

# Primary Job Keywords

Calculate  energy
Basis      dnp
Geometry   car  angs
Symmetry   auto
Spin       restricted
Charge     0.000000
Occupation default

# DFT Specifications

Functionals      vwn
Nonlocal         energy  
Integration_Grid medium

# Environment

Point_Charges  off
Electric_Field off
Solvate        off

# Molecular Properties

Electrostatic_Moments off
Mulliken_analysis     0
Hirshfeld_analysis    0
Bond_Order            off
ESP_Charges           0
Nuclear_EFG           0
Optical_Absorption    off
Plot                  off
Grid box
3 -20 -20 -20 3.000000

# Additional Job Control

Ndiff       1
Vibdif      0.010000
Project     on
FrqRestart  0
Lmax        default     
Frozen      inner_core
Fixoc       1000
Print       off
Partial_DOS off

# SCF Tolerances, Limits & Convergence Criteria

SCF_Density_Convergence 0.000001
SCF_Energy_Convergence  off
SCF_Iterations          25
Mixing_Alpha            0.250000
Diis                    4
Mixing_Beta             0.250000
SCF_Restart             off
Smear                   0.000000
Number_Bad_Steps        9
Direct_SCF              on

# Optimizer Tolerances & Convergence Controls

Locate            minimum
TS_Mode           0
Opt_Use_Symmetry  on 
GDIIS             off
Max_Displacement  0.3000
Hessian_Update    default
Opt_Print         2
Opt_Coordinate_System     auto
Gradient_Convergence      0.001000
Displacement_Convergence  0.001000
Opt_Energy_Convergence    0.000010
Opt_Cycles                20

.inmol file

The file assigned the suffix .inmol is read directly by DMol as input. Although more complicated than the .input file, it provides somewhat greater flexibility in input. Table 4 describes the .inmol file.

Table 4. Contents and format of the .inmol file

line contents format or value meaning
1   title   (a80)    
2   nat,nspin,nfroz,mintyp,
where:   nat     Total number of atoms.  
  nspin   0   Spin-restricted calculation.  
    >0   Spin-unrestricted calculation.  
  nfroz     Number of different basis sets from which orbitals were dropped--generally, more atomic orbitals than needed are provided in each basis set.  
  mintyp   0   Use conjugate-gradients minimizer.  
    1   Use BFGS minimizer.  
  imull   1   Mulliken populations only (See Mulliken_Analysis.).  
    2   Plus reduced population matrix.  
    3   Plus population matrix.  
    8   Compute Hirshfeld partitioned charges (See Hirshfeld_Analysis.).1  
    16   Compute Hirshfeld partitioned dipoles.  
    32   Compute Hirshfeld partitioned quadrupoles.  
  iplot   >0   Plot charge density, orbitals, etc.--lines 10-12 are read only if iplot > 0.  
  idip   1   Compute dipole moment.  
  ider   0   Use only energies during line searches in conjugate-gradients minimizer.  
    1   Use derivatives during line searches.  
  nitpri   2   Print QLM coefficients in analytic expansion of electrostatic potential (Eq. 34 in Chapter 2).  
    4   Print orbital eigenvalues and occupations each iteration.  
    8   Print theta, dis, beta at each iteration (see Output files for explanation).  
    64   Disable printing of molecular orbital coefficients (default).  
    128   Print binding energy in Hartrees, eV, and kcal at each iteration.  
    1024   Enable all requested print options during line searches--normally, no printing is done during line searches.  
3   iscf,iuwav,iupot,itask,
idofld,imnrst, idos  
where:   iscf     Maximum allowed iterations in self-consistent procedure--calculation stops when number of iterations >iscf or density converges (see line 9).  
    0   Calculation of properties only, assuming presence of files TPVEC, TPSMX, and .tpotl.  
  iuwav   >0   Not enabled.  
  iupot   >0   Restart self-consistent iterations using old potential file .tpotl (see SCF_Restart).  
  itask   0   Do an energy calculation.  
    1   Do an energy and gradient calculation.  
    2   Perform geometry optimization.  
    3   Do a frequency calculation at the input geometry.  
    4   Perform optimization, then a frequency calculation.  
  itmax   >0   Same as Opt_Cycles (see Opt_Cycles).  
  idrct   0   Create FWV file (containing values of each basis function at each numerical integration point) and read each iteration.  
    >0   Use direct scheme, generating data as needed (see Direct for details).  
  nbstep   >0   Number of divergent steps allowed before aborting SCF procedure (see Number_Bad_Steps).  
  idofld   0   No electric field.  
    1   Read values for external electric field in line 10a--gradients are not available if electric field is used.  
    2   Read array of point charges from .car file; include field of the charges in SCF calculation--gradients are not available if point charges are used.  
    3   Both 1 and 2.  
  imnrst   >0   Restart minimization with previous Hessian; applies to old minimizer (DMol 2.3 and previous) only (i.e., only active if mintyp=1).  
  idos   1   Compute information for Insight display of partial densities of states (creates file .dos).  
4   xv,yv,zv,ifile   (3f20.10,i5)   Nat lines of this type are read--this list must include all atoms, not just symmetry-unique ones.  
where:   xv, yv, zv     Atomic coordinates in atomic units (Bohrs).  
  ifile     Indicates basis set for this atom is ifileth basis in the .basis file--for .basis file created with DAtom, ifile is the atomic number.  
5   ifile,nfrz,(nlsf(i),i=1,nfrz)   (14i5)   nfroz lines of this type are read.  
where:   ifile     Identifies basis set in the .basis file (equals the atomic number for .basis file created with DAtom).  
  nfrz     Number of atomic orbitals in this basis set.  
  nlsf     How to treat each atomic orbital in calculation.  
    0   Leave this function unchanged.  
    1   Frozen core orbital--valence functions are Schmidt-orthogonalized against this function.  
    2   Function eliminated (possible only if occupation = 0; used to reduce DN basis set to minimal, etc.).  
6   icont,oc,icfr,delte   (i5,f10.5,
Line read only if iscf >0--read error for this line forces icont to 0.  
where:   icont   0   Default occupation, neutral molecule--DMol determines occupation from aufbau principle.  
    1   Charged molecule, charge specified by oc.  
    2   Fixed configuration; lines specifying configuration must follow, electron count includes valence electrons only.  
    3   Same as 2, but electron count also includes core electrons.  
  oc     Molecular charge if icont = 1; otherwise ignored.  
  icfr     Fixes (freezes) occupations of molecular orbitals after icfr iterations; otherwise, DMol determines occupations to yield minimum energy--default is large positive integer, meaning never freeze occupations.  
  delte     Smear out electrons in orbitals that are within delte Hartrees of the Fermi level (see Smear).  
6a2   jc,oc,od   (i5,2f10.5)   Line read only if iscf >0 and only if icont = 2 or 3 (user-specified occupation)--for each symmetry representation there are one or several lines.  
where:   jc     Number of orbitals with occupations oc, od.  
    0   Terminates input for current symmetry representation.  
  oc     Occupation for spin up.  
  od     Occupation for spin down.  
7   iprint, ipa, iomax, iomin,
thres,rmaxp, sp  
(4i5,3f10.5)   This line is read only if iscf >0; it contains data for numerical integration mesh3.  
8   npr,mlod,ipart,iref,k,
(14i5)   Line read only if iscf >0 and only when no symmetry specification file (.symdec) is present--if you are using symmetry and the .inmol file, then you must create .symdec yourself; if you use .input, the .symdec file is created automatically--specifies charge density representation used to solve the Poisson equation each iteration.  
where:   npr     prInt level (0 recommended).  
  mlod     Number of radial density functions to be loaded on start (0 recommended) (is specification for the starting Coulombic potential).  
  ipart     Partition function for atomic decomposition of density.  
  iref     Leave at default of 0.  
  k     Number of atomic centers for which lmaxr is specified.  
  lmaxr     Maximum angular momentum of multipolar functions to be used on an atomic center in fitting analytic expression of density and Coulombic potential (default = 1)--atom types are referred to in same order as in the geometry specification.  
8a   nl,cr,cs   (i5,2f10.5)   Line read only if iscf >0; mlod lines of this type are read, but overwritten if iupot > 0--used to supply initial guesses to DMol and seem unnecessary; recommended mlod = 0 (no lines of this type).  
where:   nl     Combined n,l index of form nl = 100 X n + 10 X L, used to specify radial form of density function (square of orbital).  
  cr     Integral of charge density for this multipolar function.  
  cs     Integral of spin density for this multipolar function.  
9   fascf,fbscf,scftol,
(6f12.7)   Line read only if iscf >0, contains SCF mixing parameters, a read error results in use of defaults.  
where:   fascf     Mixing parameter (damping factor) for charge density (default = 0.3).  
  fbscf     Mixing parameter for spin density (default = 0.3).  
  scftol     Convergence criterion for SCF iterations--stop iterating when rms change in density <scftol (default = 1.0E-6).  
10a   fldx,fldy,fldz   (3f12.7)   Line read only if iscf >0 and only if idofld = 1, or 3.  
where:   fldx, fldy, fldz     Value in atomic units of static electric field to be imposed along x, y, and z directions.  
10b   ndiff,vibdif,ifrqrst,
Line read only if iscf >0 and only if itask = 6 or 7 (frequency calculation).  
where:   ndiff     Number of differencing steps in evaluation of Hessian.  
    0,1   Single-point differencing.  
    2   Central differencing.  
  vibdif     Step size for differencing (default = 0.01).  
  ifrqrst   0   Normal frequency run.  
    >0   Restart differencing calculations with atom #n.  
  iproj   >0   Project out rotational and translational components.  
10   idens,idefo,ispin,idiff,
Line read only if iplot in line 1 is >0, contains specifications for density and orbital output.  
where:   idens   >0   Enables molecular electron density output.  
  idefo   >0   Enables deformation density output (molecular minus atomic density).  
  ispin   >0   Enables spin density output.  
  idiff   >0   Enables difference density output (difference between numerical charge density and analytic fit).  
  ipotl   >0   Enables Coulombic potential output.  
  ihom   >0   Enables highest occupied orbital output.  
  ilum   >0   Enables lowest unoccupied orbital output.  
  iopt   0   Energy-ordered specification of orbitals.  
    >0   Symmetry representation-ordered specification of orbitals.  
  n     Number of orbitals to be plotted.  
  ispec     For each orbital output desired: ispec = is X (100 X k + isy); is= +1 for spin up; is= -1 for spin down; k is energy-ordered number of orbital within representation; isy is representation number; for energy ordered case ispec = orbital number.  
11   idim, o1, o2, o3, npt1,
x1, y1, z1  
Line read only if iplot in line 1 is >0.4  
where:   idim   1, 2, or 3   Dimensionality of the plot.  
  npt1     Number of spaces to use in grid along direction 1.  
12   npt2, x2, y2, z2, npt3,
x3, y3, z3  
Line read only if iplot in line 1 is >0; specifications for generation of grid of points on which functions indicated in line 10 are evaluated.  
where:   npt2     Number of spaces to use in grid along direction 2.  
  npt3     Number of spaces to use in grid along direction 3.  
13   modes   i5    
where:   modes     Number of Cartesian constraints, which are in Line 14.  
14   iat,ix   (2i5)   Line read only if modes > 0.  
where:   iat     Atom number (as specified by input order on Line 4) of atom to be constrained.  
  ix     Coordinate to be constrained.  
1 The Hirshfeld options are additive with the Mulliken options. For example, to compute Mulliken population, reduced population matrix, Hirshfeld charges, and Hirshfeld dipoles, set imull = 2 + 8 + 16 = 26.

2 See example below.

3 On a read error, a default integration mesh is set up. To use the defaults, simply enter a line like "use default integration". The variables used in this line are described under Integration_Grid.

4 The real variables represent Cartesian coordinates, in Bohrs. The vectors from (o1,o2,o3) to (x1,y1,z1) to (x2,y2,z2) define a square (or parallelogram) for the generation of grid points. If idim = 3, the vector from (o1,o2,o3) to (x3,y3,z3) indicates a third vector. The direction indicated by the last vector varies the steepest during grid point generation. And see example below.

Example of line 6a for methylene (CH2) triplet state with one symmetry block

	3	1.0	1.0	(3 doubly occupied orbitals)
	2	1.0	0.0	(2 alpha-occupied orbitals)
	0			(end of occupation input)

See Occupation for more information on specifying occupations.

Example of lines 11 and 12 for N2, with the atoms lying on the z axis at ±1.1

To obtain a 3D grid of data extending 2 Bohrs beyond the atomic centers and with a resolution of 0.25 Bohrs, you could use as input:

3  -2.   -2.   -3.1    16   2.   -2.   -3.1
16 -2.    2.   -3.1    25  -2.   -2.    3.1

To obtain a two-dimensional plot along the N-N bond in the yz plane, use:

2   -2.   -2.   -3.1    16   -2.    2.   -3.1
25  -2.   -2.    3.1


To be compatible with the Insight program's Contour utility, the fastest-varying coordinate must correspond to the x direction. In generating 3D plots, the vector from the grid origin to the first point is z, from the origin to the second point is y, and from the origin to the third point is x.  

Sample INMOL file

h2o dnp test case 
    3    0    2    1    1    1    1    0    0
   25    0    0    5   20    0    3    0    0
        0.0000000000        0.0000000000        0.0000000000    8
        0.0000000000        1.2661164123        1.6440616101    1
        0.0000000000       -1.2661164123        1.6440616101    1
    8   10    0    0    0    0    0    0    2    2    2    2
    1    5    0    0    0    2    2
    0   0.00000     0   0.00000
    0    0    5    5    1  0.000100 10.000000  1.000000
 0.300E+00 0.300E+00 0.100E-05 0.100E-05 0.100E-05 0.100E-02
 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0  0
    3   -3.7795   -3.7795   -3.7795   12   -3.7795   -3.7795    5.2912
   11   -3.7795    4.5354   -3.7795   10    3.7795   -3.7795   -3.7795

.car and .arc files

Please consult the File Formats documentation for details on these files' formats. Note that the geometry in the .car file is always in angstroms.

The .car file is always written regardless of the input coordinate format. It is updated during geometry optimization. The starting coordinates are copied into a .car.orig file.

A utility csh script add_car_to_arc is used by the DMol executable to accomplish making .arc files. You can use this script to make .arc files for other executables as well.


The printed energies are now binding energy instead of total energy. This change was done to make values fit in the .arc file format, so .arc files can be read into the Insight interface.  

Only standalone runs may omit an .mdf file or use another coordinate input format.

To read the .car file while running the dmol_master interface, enter the character string car when prompted for the geometry. The geometry is read in from and written to the .input file.

Alternatively in the .input file, set the value of keyword Geometry to car and the units to angs:

Geometry car angs

.pchg file

This is a free-format user file in the following format:

 number of charges

Where number of charges is an integer corresponding to the number of charges, and all fields are in floating-point format.

COSMO input files

.cosinp and DOSMO_ defaults.dat files

A DMol/COSMO solvation calculation may require a run_name.cosinp COSMO input file if nondefault COSMO calculations are required. The default COSMO_defaults.dat file is located in the $BIOSYM/data/dmol directory. It contains the following information:

 78.40 1082 162 1.000000 7.000000 0.200000 1.672740 0.020520
    1   1.08
    6   1.53
    7   1.48
    8   1.36
   15   1.75
   16   1.70
   17   1.65

where 78.4 is the dielectric constant of water, 1082 is the number of the basic grid points per atom, 162 is the number of segments on the atomic surface, 1.0 is the solvent radius, 7.0 is the A-matrix cutoff, 0.2 is the radius increment, 1.672740 is the A-constant for the nonelectrostatic contributions, and 0.020520 is the B-constant. Below this line are the atomic numbers and corresponding atomic radii for several of the most commonly used elements. All the distances are in angstroms. The meaning of this information is explained under COSMO--solvation effects.

cosmo.grid file

You should use 1082 basic grid points. When you do, the program tries to access an improved basic grid from the file $BIOSYM/data/dmol/cosmo.grid. If this file does not exist, the default grid is used; however, it is less homogeneous and therefore not recommended.

espfit.inp file

The espfit.inp file contains three sections:


The first section, CHARGE, contains information about the initial value of the point charge and the request to optimize or not optimize that charge. The general, free format is:

  Iatom, Charge, Optimize 

where Iatom is the atom number as it appears in the file, Charge is the value of the charge in atomic units to be optimized if the Optimize parameter is 1. If Optimize is 0 the point charge for atom Iatom is fixed during the optimization. The default is to optimize point charges for all atoms.

The CHARGE section is followed by the GRID section, which provides information as to the grid spacing and layer border diffusion (see Fitting atomic point charges to the electrostatic potential (ESP)). The default values are grid spacing: 0.3 Å; layer border diffusion: 0.1 Å.

The VDW section contains the internal and the external values of the atom shells, as follows:

Iatnum, Rint, Rext 

where Iatnum is the atomic number, and Rint and Rext are the internal and external radii, respectively, of the atom in angstroms.

The values of atomic radii as listed in this section are those commonly used in calculations of ESP-fitted charges. For atoms that are not listed in this section, the default atomic radii are reasonable; however, they have not been extensively tested.

Default espfit.inp file contents

The contents of the default $BIOSYM/data/dmol/espfit.inp file, as mentioned under ESP-fitted charges, are:

   1   1.45   2.80
   3   2.02   2.82
   6   1.50   2.80
   7   1.70   2.80
   8   1.70   2.80
   9   1.70   2.80
  11   2.31   3.11
  12   2.00   2.80
  14   1.65   2.80
  15   2.00   2.80
  16   2.00   2.80
  17   1.95   2.80
  19   2.67   3.47
  20   2.33   3.13
  30   2.08   2.80
  35   2.05   2.90
  37   2.81   3.61
  38   2.46   3.26
  48   2.31   3.11
  53   2.20   3.30
  55   3.01   3.81
  56   2.68   3.48

q_isotopes.dat file

The atomic masses (average masses according to natural isotope abundances and isotope masses) are stored in a data file q_isotopes.dat in $BIOSYM/data/quantum. This information is used by the Analyze/Isotope_Setup command (Specifying isotopes).

The first few lines of this file are as follows:

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Standard Atomic Weights, Isotope Abundancies and Masses
#  Version 1.0     4/18/96
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
   1  H       1.007940
ISOTOPE    1    99.9850       1.007825
ISOTOPE    2     0.0150       2.014000
ISOTOPE    3     0.0000       3.016050

For each atom, there is one header line containing the element number followed by the element symbol followed by the standard atomic weight.

This line is then followed by lines for every isotope of this element. The isotope lines start with the keyword ISOTOPE, followed by the number of nucleons, followed by the abundancy (as a percentage) followed by the isotope mass.

Input for statistical mechanics analysis

The input file written for the stat_mech background job (Statistical thermodynamics) contains the atomic information (element numbers, coordinates, and masses), the non-zero frequencies, the temperature range specified and keywords for the various properties to be computed and reported.

The keywords for the thermodynamic quantities enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs energy/free energy, and heat capacity (at constant pressure) are @H, @S, @G and @Cp, respectively. These keywords are followed by any of the four keywords: tra, rot, vib, and tot, which stand for translational, rotational, vibrational, and total contributions, respectively.

Both the following quantities are used in the computation regardless of whether the results are requested: The zero point vibration energy is reported if the line @ZPVE is added. The moments of inertia and type of rotor information are reported if the line @Rotor_Info is added.

The symmetry number is reported and used in the computation if the line @Symmetry is added.

Sample file

Stat_Mech Sample Input File

# STAT_MECH Input File generated by InsightII V4.0.0
# for Molecule <QUICK0>

    8     3.99130702     0.85986608    -9.08387661    16.00000000
    1     4.94494820     0.82509947    -8.83887482     1.00800002
    1     3.76692677    -0.07698990    -9.29032421     1.00800002
         273.1500         373.1500           1.0000
@H  tra rot vib tot
@S  tra rot vib tot
@G  tra rot vib tot
@Cp tra rot vib tot

.coord file (standalone mode only)

The .coord file specifies the Cartesian coordinates of the molecule in free format. The file is read by dmol_master during input generation or by DMol when a job runs. The input for each atom, in free format, is simply:


where IZ is the atomic number as an integer; and X, Y, and Z are the Cartesian coordinates. Terminate the input with a blank line.

To read the geometry from the .coord file while running the dmol_master interface, you can enter the character string coord when prompted for the geometry. The geometry is read from the run_name.coord file and is written in Cartesian coordinates to the .input file.

Alternatively in the .input file, the Geometry keyword can be set to a value of coord and the units to bohr or angs:

Geometry	coord	 bohr

In this case, the geometry is extracted from the .coord file when the job runs.

This procedure is most useful when mapping a potential energy surface by repeated energy calculations. The .input file can remain the same for all geometries, and only the .coord file needs to be updated. Due to the simplicity of this file format, this is generally the most convenient way to input molecular geometries that have already been formatted in other programs.

.zmat file (standalone mode only)

The .zmat file specifies the internal coordinates for the construction of molecular geometries. The form of this file is similar to that used by the MOPAC program. The file is read by dmol_master during input generation or by DMol when a job runs. For each atom i, the input (in free format) is:

i	iz	bond	theta	 tors	 ib	ithet	itor 

i The ith atom in the input.
iz Atomic number of the atom (iz = 0 indicates a
dummy atom, to be dropped from the final list).
bond Bond distance to atom ib.
theta Angle in degrees formed by atoms i, ib, and ithet
(with atom ib at the vertex).
tors Torsion angle in degrees formed by atoms i, ib,
ithet, and itor.
ib Atom number to which atom i forms a bond of
bond angstroms or Bohrs.
ithet Atom number with which atoms i and ib form an
angle of theta degrees (with atom ib at the vertex).
itor Atom number with which atoms i, ib, and ithet
form a torsion angle of tors degrees.

Input is terminated with a blank line or with i = 0.

For i = 1, only iz is specified.
For i = 2, only iz, bond, and ib are specified.
For i = 3, only iz, bond, theta, ib and ithet are specified.

The first atom is always at the origin. The second atom always lies on the x axis, and the third atom always lies in the xy plane

To read the geometry from the .zmat file while using dmol_master, you can enter the character string zmat when prompted for the geometry. The geometry is read from the run_name.zmat file and is written in Cartesian coordinates to the .input file.

Alternatively in the .input file, the Geometry keyword can be set to the value zmat and the units to angs or bohr:

Geometry		zmat	 angs

In this case, the geometry is extracted from the .zmat file when the job runs.

This procedure is most useful when mapping a potential energy surface by repeated energy calculations. The .input file can remain the same for all geometries, and only the .zmat file needs to be updated. The following example is a .zmat file for ferrocene:

1  26
2  0  1.695  1
3  6  1.207   90.0   2  1
4  6  1.207   72.0   90.0  2  3  1
5  6  1.207   72.0  -90.0  2  3  1
6  6  1.207   72.0   90.0  2  4  1
7  6  1.207   72.0  -90.0  2  5  1
8  0  1.000   90.0    0.0  1  2  3
9  0  1.695   90.0  180.0  1  8  2
10 6  1.207   90.0    0.0  9  1  8
11 6  1.207   72.0   90.0  9 10  1
12 6  1.207   72.0  -90.0  9 10  1
13 6  1.207   72.0   90.0  9 11  1
14 6  1.207   72.0  -90.0  9 12  1
15 1  1.076  177.2  180.0  3  2  1
16 1  1.076  177.2  180.0  4  2  1
17 1  1.076  177.2  180.0  5  2  1
18 1  1.076  177.2  180.0  6  2  1
19 1  1.076  177.2  180.0  7  2  1
20 1  1.076  177.2  180.0 10  9  1
21 1  1.076  177.2  180.0 11  9  1
22 1  1.076  177.2  180.0 12  9  1
23 1  1.076  177.2  180.0 13  9  1
24 1  1.076  177.2  180.0 14  9  1

.gzmat file (standalone mode only)

The .gzmat file specifies the internal coordinates for the construction of molecular geometries. The form of this file is similar to that used by the Gaussian program. The file is read by dmol_master during input generation or by DMol when a job runs. For each atom i, the input (in free format) is:

iz	ib	bond	ithet	theta	itor	tors 

iz Elemental symbol of atom (iz = X indicates a
dummy atom, to be dropped from the final list).
ib Atom number to which atom i forms a bond of
bond angstroms or Bohrs.
bond Bond distance to atom ib.
ithet Atom number with which atoms i and ib form an
angle of theta degrees (with atom ib at the vertex).
theta Angle in degrees formed by atoms i, ib, and ithet
(with atom ib at the vertex).
itor Atom number with which atoms i, ib, and ithet
form a torsion angle of tors degrees.
tors Torsion angle in degrees formed by atoms i, ib,
ithet, and itor.

Input is terminated with a blank line.

For i = 1, only iz is specified.
For i = 2, only iz, bond, and ib are specified.
For i = 3, only iz, bond, theta, ib and ithet are specified.

The first atom is always at the origin, the second atom always lies on the x axis, and the third atom always lies in the xy plane.

To read in the geometry from the .gzmat file when using dmol_master, you can enter the character string gzmat when prompted for the geometry. The geometry is read from the run_name.gzmat file and is written in Cartesian coordinates to the .input file.

Alternatively in the .input file, the Geometry keyword can be set to a value of gzmat and the units to angs or bohr:

Geometry		zmat	 angs

In this case, the geometry is extracted from the .gzmat file when the job runs.

This procedure is most useful when mapping a potential energy surface by repeated energy calculations. The .input file can remain the same for all geometries, and only the .gzmat file needs to be updated. The following example is a .gzmat file for ferrocene:

X   1  1.695
C   2  1.207    1    90.0
C   2  1.207    3    72.0   1     90.0 
C   2  1.207    3    72.0   1    -90.0 
C   2  1.207    4    72.0   1     90.0 
C   2  1.207    5    72.0   1    -90.0 
X   1  1.000    2    90.0   3      0.0 
X   1  1.695    8    90.0   2    180.0 
C   9  1.207    1    90.0   8      0.0 
C   9  1.207   10    72.0   1     90.0 
C   9  1.207   10    72.0   1    -90.0 
C   9  1.207   11    72.0   1     90.0 
C   9  1.207   12    72.0   1    -90.0 
H   3  1.076    2   177.2   1    180.0 
H   4  1.076    2   177.2   1    180.0 
H   5  1.076    2   177.2   1    180.0 
H   6  1.076    2   177.2   1    180.0 
H   7  1.076    2   177.2   1    180.0 
H  10  1.076    9   177.2   1    180.0 
H  11  1.076    9   177.2   1    180.0 
H  12  1.076    9   177.2   1    180.0 
H  13  1.076    9   177.2   1    180.0 
H  14  1.076    9   177.2   1    180.0 

.symdec file

The .symdec file contains data that tells DMol how to construct symmetry-adapted linear combinations of basis functions. This file is generated automatically if the input file .input is used and the Symmetry keyword is set to a point group other than C1. If you intend to use the .inmol file, then .symdec must be constructed by hand. The format is shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Contents and format of the .symdec file

line contents format or value meaning
1   title   (a80)   Character string descriptive of the calculation; if .input is used, the title is the same as for .input.  
2   nsym, ihmi, icax   (3i5)    
where:   nsym     Number of representations in the point group, counting degenerate representations twice; if any representations are unused, they may be omitted.1  
  ihmi   2   Molecule has a horizontal plane of symmetry, i.e., plane perpendicular to principal axis.  
    0   Molecule does not have horizontal symmetry plane  
  icax     Order of the principal axis, e.g., 2 for C2v; a value of 0 is reset to 1.  
3       Symmetry-adapted linear combinations of atomic orbitals begin here; nsym sets of these data are required.  
3a   ndim, replb(isym)   (i5,a8)    
where:   ndim     Number of linear combinations of atomic orbitals that follow.  
  replb     Schönflies notation for this representation, concatenated with a 1, 2, or 3 if it is a partner of a degenerate representation.2  
3b   ln,nms,(mn(i),natom(i),
ndim sets of data of this type are required.  
where:   ln     Angular momentum quantum number of this symmetry-adapted combination (s=0, p=1, etc.).  
  nms     Number of atomic centers in this combination.  
  mn     ml of basis function in this combination.  
  natom     Number of atomic center of this basis function.  
  cnr     Actual coefficient of symmetry-adapted combinations.  
4   jdegn(i), i=1,nsym   (14i5)    
where:   jdegn(i)     Degeneracy of each representation--for degenerate representation, first partner is set to actual degeneracy, subsequent partners are set to 0.3  
5a   nrf,npr,mlod,ipart,iref   (5i5)   Symmetry-adapted linear combinations for fitting functions--only totally symmetric combinations are needed; if maximum angular momentum of fitting basis is smaller than angular momentum of orbital basis, then this is a subset of the A1 input above.  
where:   nrf     Number of fitting functions.  
  npr     Print option (0 recommended).  
  mlod     Number of coefficients of functions to be input as initial guess; not operational--use mlod = 0.  
  ipart     Partition function for atomic decomposition of density, Eq. 31 in Chapter 2 (default = 1, which gives Eq. 26 as partition function).  
  iref     Leave at default of 0.  
5b   ln, nms, (mn(i),natom(i),
cnr(i), i=1,nms)  
nrf sets of data of this type are required; exactly the same data as in 3b, except they are for fitting functions instead of atomic basis functions.4  
6a   modes, npr      
where:   modes     No. of symmetry-adapted displacements to be read.  
  npr     Print option (0 recommended).  
6b   ln, nms, (mn(i),
Modes sets of data of this type are required; exactly the same data as in 3b and 5b, except they are for geometry displacements--ln should be 1, i.e., p type functions to represent displacements.  
1 For example, for C4v, nsym = 6. This is not the same as the order of the group. As another example, H2O normally has C2v symmetry, so nsym = 4. However, a minimal basis set has no a2 orbitals, so you could use nsym = 3.

2 For example, a1 is indicated as A1 .1. For degenerate representations such as Eg, there are two entries: EG .1 followed by EG .2.

3 See example below.

4 For a derivative or geometry-optimization calculation, the linear combinations of geometric displacements that maintain molecular symmetry are entered. These are the same as the l = 1 (p function) symmetry combinations. Only data for the directions that you want to optimize need to be given.

Example of line 4

For C4v symmetry, the representations are A1, A2, B1, B2, and E. Nsym for this example is 6, and jdegn is:

	1  1  1  1  2  0

Output files

The primary output is written to files with the names run_name.outmol and run_name.sum. The first contains comprehensive output, while the second contains a brief summary. Also output is the file, which is a DMol .car file--it contains the original geometry in .car format. Several other files are written by DMol, including files for plotting and density-of-states information, as well as others that are generally too large to be stored.

.sum file

The .sum file contains a summary of the output that was written to the .outmol file. It is useful to check this file first, before looking at the detailed output in the .outmol file. The .sum file for an optimization and frequency calculation on a water molecule is used as an example in this section.

Short form of summary file

There are two ways to create a summary file. By entering at the UNIX prompt:

>	scan_outmol run_name.outmol -l

you can obtain a summary of the final results of the DMol run. The .sum file begins with a title and a list of the most important keywords:

 Product: dmol
 Job Name: test12
 Calculation Type: Optimize Frequency

 Nonlocal: energy              Functionals: vwn
 Symmetry: C1                  Charge: 0.000000           Spin: restricted
 Basis: MIN                    Frozen: none               Lmax: default

Next comes a list of the optimized Cartesian coordinates and the final gradients for all atoms in the system.

 Optimized Molecular Geometry

             Cartesian Coordinates (Angstrom)      Cartesian Gradients (au)
             --------------------------------   -----------------------------
   Atom            x          y          z         dE/dx     dE/dy     dE/dz
 1 O           0.000000   0.000000   0.473801    0.000000  0.000000 -0.000144
 2 H          -0.859495   0.000000  -0.236900    0.000144  0.000000 -0.000033
 3 H           0.859495   0.000000  -0.236900   -0.000144  0.000000 -0.000033
-----------  --------------------------------   -----------------------------

Following this appear the total SCF energy and binding energy.

 Molecular Energies

           Electronic Energies:
           Total SCF Energy              =  -75.7663438 Hartree
                                             -47544.050 kcal/mol

           Final Binding Energy          =   -0.2815919 Hartree
                                             -7.6625140 eV
                                           -176.7014047 kcal/mol

Next a summary of the orbital energies and occupancies is displayed.

 Molecular Orbitals

          State                       Eigenvalue           Occ.
                                 (au)           (eV)
  ---------------------       ----------     ----------    -----
    1   +     1     a         -18.582376       -505.653    2.000
    2   +     2     a          -0.894501        -24.341    2.000
    3   +     3     a          -0.455773        -12.402    2.000
    4   +     4     a          -0.320333         -8.717    2.000
    5   +     5     a          -0.248404         -6.759    2.000
    6   +     6     a          -0.025379         -0.691    0.000
    7   +     7     a           0.067754          1.844    0.000
  ---------------------       ----------     ----------    -----

In the next section the vibrational frequencies and intensities are summarized.

 Vibrational Spectrum

   mode     a.u.       cm-1     km/mol
   ----    ------     ------    ------
     7     0.2854     1466.9     34.91
     8     0.5454     2803.5     47.04
     9     0.6013     3091.0      3.39
   ----    ------     ------    ------

Thermodynamic properties are listed next.

 Standard Thermodynamic Quantities at 298.15K and 1.00 Atm

   H,Trans:             0.889 kcal/mol
   H,Rot  :             0.889 kcal/mol
   H,Vib  :            10.527 kcal/mol
   S,Trans:            34.609  cal/mol.K
   S,Rot  :            12.760  cal/mol.K
   S,Vib  :             0.014  cal/mol.K
   C,Trans:             4.968  cal/mol.K
   C,Rot  :             2.981  cal/mol.K
   C,Vib  :             0.085  cal/mol.K

   H,Total:            12.305 kcal/mol
   S,Total:            47.382  cal/mol.K
   C,Total:             8.033  cal/mol.K
   G,Total:            -1.822 kcal/mol


If the dipole moments and Mulliken, Hirshfeld, or ESP charges are computed, they are printed as follows.

 Atom Centered Properties

     Atom                    Partial Charges (au)
  ------------      --------------------------------------
	             Mulliken       Hirshfeld       ESP
   1 O         	     -0.6824        -0.2930        -0.6112
   2 H         	      0.3412         0.1465         0.3056
   3 H         	      0.3412         0.1465         0.3056
  ------------      --------------------------------------

 Molecular Properties

    Electrostatic Moments

		         Dipole Moment (Debye)
	   <x>:   0.000000    <y>:   0.000000    <z>:  -2.066830

			      2.0668 Debye

Data for the optical absorption spectra, if requested, follow:

  Transition Dipoles  <i(occ)|x,y,z|a(virt)> [au]; Alpha Orbitals 

            [  9 Transitions with high Intensity]   [Atomic Units]                 
        Transition        <i|x|a> <i|y|a> <i|z|a>    Ea-Ei   Intensity   Ea-Ei
    1B2.1  ->    4A1.1	   0.0000  0.1729  0.0000   0.2230(a)   0.03    48948.9
    3A1.1  ->    4A1.1	   0.0000  0.0000  0.7517   0.2950(a)   0.56    64735.8
    3A1.1  ->    2B1.1	   0.7773  0.0000  0.0000   0.3881(a)   0.60    85176.2
    1B1.1  ->    4A1.1	   1.0587  0.0000  0.0000   0.4304(a)   1.12    94461.3
    1B1.1  ->    2B1.1	   0.0000  0.0000  0.7594   0.5235(a)   0.58   114901.6
    2A1.1  ->    4A1.1	   0.0000  0.0000  0.1292   0.8691(a)   0.02   190751.3
    2A1.1  ->    2B1.1	   0.1509  0.0000  0.0000   0.9623(a)   0.02   211191.6
    1A1.1  ->    4A1.1	   0.0000  0.0000  0.0407  18.5570(a)   0.00   4072790.7
    1A1.1  ->    2B1.1	   0.0560  0.0000  0.0000  18.6501(a)   0.00   4093231.0

Finally, the job statistics are printed.

 Job Statistics

  Computer: iris54
  Platform: irix5r4
  Optimization Cycles: 5
  CPU Time: 0.443

History Form of Summary File

Another form of summary file can be obtain by entering at the UNIX prompt:

>	scan_outmol run_name.outmol

This run_name.sum file contains the history of the DMol run. As before, the .sum file begins with a title and a list of the most important keywords.

 Product: dmol
 Job Name: test12
 Calculation Type: Optimize Frequency

 Nonlocal: energy              Functionals: vwn
 Symmetry: C1                  Charge: 0.000000           Spin: restricted
 Basis: MIN                    Frozen: none               Lmax: default

Next the history of the SCF iterations is shown. To see if a running job is converging, look at both the energies and the Convergence column. The energies should converge to a constant value, and the convergence should decrease towards zero. If the calculation is not converging, several factors could be responsible:

 Molecular Energies (for latest optimization cycle)

 E_Cycle   Total Energy  Binding Energy   Convergence    Time
 -------   ------------  --------------   -----------    ----
     1      -75.790778     -0.306026        0.064944     0.1
     2      -75.771814     -0.287062        0.018964     0.1
     3      -75.766694     -0.281942        0.005120     0.1
     4      -75.766424     -0.281672        0.000270     0.1
     5      -75.766348     -0.281596        0.000076     0.1
     6      -75.766344     -0.281592        0.000004     0.1
     7      -75.766344     -0.281592        0.000000     0.1
     8      -75.766344     -0.281592        0.000000     0.2
 -------   ------------  --------------   -----------    ----

Following this, the total SCF energy and binding energy appear.

           Electronic Energies:
           Total SCF Energy              =  -75.7663438 Hartree
                                             -47544.050 kcal/mol

           Final Binding Energy          =   -0.2815919 Hartree
                                             -7.6625140 eV
                                           -176.7014047 kcal/mol

For an optimization run, the key results from every optimization cycle are given. These are total energies, maximum gradients, displacement, and the two Hessian eigenvalues. Convergence is achieved if the energy converges to a constant and the gradient becomes smaller than a threshold, typically 0.001 au.

 Optimization Results

 Cycle     Energy     Gradient   Displace    mode1   mode2
 -----   ----------   --------   --------    -----   -----
  1      -75.744379   0.147484   0.272746    0.200   0.500
  2      -75.765144   0.019924   0.069463    0.203   0.469
  3      -75.766273   0.007111   0.034115    0.152   0.419
  4      -75.766340   0.000814   0.001903    0.159   0.394
  5      -75.766344   0.000191   0.000609    0.156   0.304
 -----   ----------   --------   --------    -----   -----

The vibrational spectrum data are displayed next.

 Vibrational Spectrum

   mode     a.u.       cm-1     km/mol
   ----    ------     ------    ------
     7     0.2854     1466.9     34.91
     8     0.5454     2803.5     47.04
     9     0.6013     3091.0      3.39
   ----    ------     ------    ------

Finally, the thermodynamic data are presented.

 Standard Thermodynamic Quantities at 298.15K and 1.00 Atm

   H,Trans:             0.889 kcal/mol
   H,Rot  :             0.889 kcal/mol
   H,Vib  :            10.527 kcal/mol
   S,Trans:            34.609  cal/mol.K
   S,Rot  :            12.760  cal/mol.K
   S,Vib  :             0.014  cal/mol.K
   C,Trans:             4.968  cal/mol.K
   C,Rot  :             2.981  cal/mol.K
   C,Vib  :             0.085  cal/mol.K

   H,Total:            12.305 kcal/mol
   S,Total:            47.382  cal/mol.K
   C,Total:             8.033  cal/mol.K
   G,Total:            -1.822 kcal/mol

This summary file is useful for monitoring convergence of both SCF and geometry calculations in DMol runs.

.outmol file

Water example

The example .outmol file described in this section was created using the following .input file, prepared by the dialog interface. Only illustrative portions of the output are shown here.

# geometry optimization and thermochemistry for water

Product DMol
Version 960

Basis        DNP
Symmetry     C2V
Spin         RESTRICTED
Charge       0.000000
Functionals           VWN
Integration_Grid      MEDIUM
Frozen       INNER_CORE
Lmax         DEFAULT

Electrostatic_Moments   ON
Mulliken_Analysis       3

The .outmol file starts with a header that gives the version number of the program and copyright information.

  DMol Version 960
  Density Functional Theory electronic structure program.
  Copyright (c) 1996 by Molecular Simulations, Inc.

Following this comes a summary of all the input flags in the input file. This is the same summary that is printed out during a dmol_master or dialog session.


 Calculate  optimize_frequency         Basis    DNP 
 Geometry   car   angs                 Symmetry C2V 
 Spin       restricted                 Charge   0.000000 
 Occupation DEFAULT 

 Integration_Grid MEDIUM               Nonlocal          energy 
                                       Functionals       VWN 
 Electric_Field  off 
 Point_Charges   off 
 Solvate         off 

 Electrostatic_Moments on              Mulliken_analysis  3 
                                       Bond_Order off 
                                       Hirshfeld_analysis 0 
                                       ESP_Charges off 
                                       Nuclear_EFG off 
 Optical_Absorption off 

 Plot  off 

 Ndiff   1                             Vibdif     0.010000 
 Project on                            FrqRestart 1 
 Frozen  inner_core                    Lmax  default 
 Fixoc   1000                          Print off 

 Smear            0.000000             SCF_Density_Convergence  1e-06 
 Number_Bad_Steps 9                    SCF_Energy_Convergence   Off 
 SCF_Iterations   25                   Direct_SCF  on 
 Mixing_Alpha     0.250000             Partial_DOS off 
 DIIS     4 
 Mixing_Beta      0.250000             SCF_Restart off 

 Locate minimum 
 Opt_Coordinate_System auto            Opt_Print 2 
 Opt_Use_Symmetry on                   Gradient_Convergence     0.001000 
 Hessian_Update   default              Displacement_Convergence 0.001000 
 GDIIS            off                  Opt_Energy_Convergence   0.000010 
 Opt_Cycles       20                   Max_Displacement         0.300000 

Following this come several lines that echo these flags in .inmol-type format:

 nat=   3 nspin=0 nfroz= 2 ihirsh=0 imull=3 iplot=0 idip=1 nitpri=  0
 iscf= 25 iuwav=0 iupot=0 itask=4 idrct=1 nbstep= 9 idofld=0 idos=0
 Molecule Rotation Matrix:
   1.00000   0.00000   0.00000
   0.00000   1.00000   0.00000
   0.00000   0.00000   1.00000
 Molecule Center Of Mass Offset:
   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000

These variables are described in under .inmol file; they reflect the input options that are indicated above.

The next section is headed by the string "specifications for basis sets". Following this appears the basis set data which are read from the .inmol file or generated internally if the .input file is used. These lines appear in a format such as:

  specifications for basis sets:
 nfile=  8  nbas= 2  nfroz=10   1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2
 nfile=  1  nbas= 1  nfroz= 5   0 0 0 2 2

Here nfile refers to the basis set number in the .basis file (which equals the atomic number in the .basis file supplied by MSI), nbas counts the total number of basis sets that have been read in. These indicate whether an atomic basis function is ignored completely (=2), included as a valence orbital (=0), or included as a frozen core (=1). Following these lines appears a summary of the basis set information extracted from the .basis file.

 Hydrogen     nbas= 1  z= 1.  5 radial functions,  spin energy= -0.033
   n=1  L=0  occ= 1.00 e=      -0.233471        -6.3531
   n=1  L=0  occ= 0.00 e=      -0.845000       -22.9936
   n=2  L=1  occ= 0.00 e=      -0.211250        -5.7484
   n=2  L=1  occ= 0.00 e=      -2.000000       -54.4228  eliminated
   n=1  L=0  occ= 0.00 e=      -8.000000      -217.6912  eliminated
 Oxygen       nbas= 2  z= 8. 10 radial functions,  spin energy= -0.054
   n=1  L=0  occ= 2.00 e=     -18.758245      -510.4380  frozen
   n=2  L=0  occ= 2.00 e=      -0.871362       -23.7110
   n=2  L=1  occ= 4.00 e=      -0.338381        -9.2078
   n=2  L=0  occ= 0.00 e=      -2.130332       -57.9693
   n=2  L=1  occ= 0.00 e=      -1.593734       -43.3677
   n=3  L=2  occ= 0.00 e=      -1.388889       -37.7936
   n=2  L=1  occ= 0.00 e=      -3.125000       -85.0356  eliminated
   n=1  L=0  occ= 0.00 e=     -12.500000      -340.1425  eliminated
   n=3  L=2  occ= 0.00 e=      -2.722222       -74.0755  eliminated
   n=2  L=1  occ= 0.00 e=      -6.124999      -166.6698  eliminated

This includes the atom name, nuclear charge, total number of basis functions (referred to as radial functions), atomic spin energy, and total atomic energy (spin-restricted). Spin energy is the difference in the atomic energies between spin-restricted and spin-unrestricted calculations. Next comes a list of each atomic orbital, or radial function, specifying the principal quantum number, angular momentum, occupation in the atomic calculation, and orbital eigenvalue in Hartrees and in eV. Last comes a flag telling how the basis function is used in the calculation. This can be frozen, meaning frozen core; blank, meaning active; or eliminated, meaning dropped from the calculation completely.

The next two lines show the density functional methods used:

 vwn  none none
 Vosko Wilk Nusair local correlation

The next section summarizes the symmetry information:

 nsym= 4  ihmi= 0  icax= 4  nprs= 0   group=C2V  

nsym is the number of symmetry elements in the group, ihmi = 2 if h is present in the group and 0 otherwise, icax is the size of the smallest fraction of a circle that can be used to generate all integration points, and nprs is a print option. In general, icax may be higher than the order of the principal axis.

The next section summarizes the total number of orbitals:

           n  norb   jdegn   representation
           1   10      1         A1.1
           2    2      1         A2.1
           3    7      1         B1.1
           4    4      1         B2.1
  total number of valence orbitals:     23

           n  norc   jdegn   representation
           1    1      1         A1.1
           2    0      1         A2.1
           3    0      1         B1.1
           4    0      1         B2.1
  total number of core orbitals:      1
 need: mws, mwfm,   mwvc,    mwn, mwv, mwc, mwm, coef
      96     169      10      25   23    1   10   4
 current dimensions:
      96     169      10      25   23    1   10   4

norb is the number of active orbitals and norc is the number of frozen cores. This is printed for each irreducible representation. The column jdegn lists the dimension of the representation (always 1 for Abelian groups), and the column labelled representation shows the Schönflies notation for the representation.

Next comes a summary of atomic coordinates.

         coordinates for atoms        atom type mceq  bas file element
    0.000000    0.000000    0.760643    1    1    1    2    8  Oxygen      
   -1.466430    0.000000   -0.380322    2    2    2    1    1  Hydrogen    
    1.466430    0.000000   -0.380322    3    2    2    1    1  Hydrogen    

The coordinates are the Cartesian coordinates in Bohrs. atom is simply a sequential list of the atoms in the order in which they appeared in the input file. type reflects the different atomic numbers of atoms in the input--each different atomic number is assigned a new type. mceq indicates which atoms are symmetrically equivalent. The column bas indicates the order in which basis sets are found in the .basis file. In this example, the hydrogen basis set is located first (bas = 1) and oxygen second (bas = 2). file corresponds to the position of the basis set in the .basis file. When you use the .basis file created with the program, this corresponds to the atomic number.

Several sections appear that show input data, including the orbital occupations, parameters for the integration procedure, and the maximum angular momentum of the fitting functions. The occupation information looks like:

occup input as read:
     0   0.00000 1000   0.00000 
as interpreted:
 iopt=   0    0.00  icfr=      1000    delte=  4.97E-09
 molecule charge=   0.0   active electron number=    8.0
 including core=   10.0   (without charge=          10.0)

Setting iopt = 0 tells the program to attempt to determine the optimal orbital occupation. Setting icfr = 1000 instructs the program to attempt this for the first 1000 iterations, which should be all iterations. iopt can be controlled by changing the .inmol input or in .input with the Occupation keyword.

Next, information for the fitting basis is read. This indicates the number of spherical harmonic functions that are used in the analytic representation of the model density and electrostatic potential:

prolo input as read from SYMDEC:
    16    0    0    1    0  ! nrf npr mlod ipart iref 
as interpreted:
 nrf,npr,mlod,ipart,iref   16    0    0    1    0
  nrf,mwf          12          18
  modef       62427      500000         563           9

This output indicates that 16 multipolar functions are used and that partition function type 1 is used to partition the model density. Following this comes information about the number of gradient directions to be evaluated:

prede1 input as read from SYMDEC:
     3    0 
as interpreted:
 modes,nprder    3    0

The number of gradients is 3, corresponding to oxygen z and symmetric hydrogen z and y displacements. nprder is a print option, set to zero in this case. modef is currently disabled.

The section controlling the numerical integration parameters appears as follows:

parti3 input as read:
     0    0    5    5    1  0.000100 10.000000  1.000000 
as interpreted:
    0    0    5    5    1   0.00010  10.00000   1.00000
  wta dimension        4282
 file type nrtb   zn   rmaxp   thres     thresh     iomax iomin lmaxv lmaxz
    8    1   30   8.  10.000  0.00010  0.00000333     5     2     3     2
    1    2   20   1.  10.000  0.00010  0.00000500     5     1     2     1
  Integration points and checksum:       1276       9.999975
  Integration points and checksum:       1276       9.999975
  mwp        4276

 Memory use data:
 nloop=      3509     3510      312      328    98581
 nloopd=     3005     3006      192      192        9       10
  int array elements available (maxi):    500000 (  1.9 Mb)
 real array elements available (maxr):   1250000 (  9.5 Mb)
   minimum real array elements needed:    107630 (  0.8 Mb)
             real array elements used:    672302 (  5.1 Mb)

The value of 0 for inputs indicates that no data are input for special atoms--the same defaults are used in all cases. (The print option npri can currently be set only in an .inmol input file.) These control the quality of the integration mesh. On the next line, the total number of mesh points is printed, along with the sum of the atomic densities computed on this mesh. The value shown here is in error by only 6E-5, which is quite good.

Next follows a number of parameters that control the SCF calculation:

SCF parameter input as read:
  2.500E-01 2.500E-01 1.000E-06 0.000E+00 
as interpreted:
 mixing parameters   0.25000   0.25000

 Density tolerance for converging SCF: 1.000E-06
 smallest core norm at, symtry, function       1.000074    1    1

Next begin the actual self-consistent iterations for solution of the LDF equations.

A summary of the results from each iteration of the self-consistent procedure appears after each iteration. This information includes:

For this example, the output is:

        Total Energy            Binding E    Cnvgnce_Dens     Cnvgnce_E        Time
ef    -0.7597604855E+02        -0.4912966     0.0466342        -               0.0
ef    -0.7590937881E+02        -0.4246269     0.0138991     0.06666974         0.0
ef    -0.7590105792E+02        -0.4163060     0.0100172     0.00832089         0.0
ef    -0.7589813699E+02        -0.4133851     0.0020630     0.00292093         0.0
ef    -0.7589799202E+02        -0.4132401     0.0003130     0.00014497         0.1
ef    -0.7589796290E+02        -0.4132110     0.0001410     0.00002912         0.1
ef    -0.7589796185E+02        -0.4132099     0.0000070     0.00000104         0.1
ef    -0.7589796175E+02        -0.4132098     0.0000049     0.00000010         0.1
ef    -0.7589796175E+02        -0.4132098     0.0000004     0.00000000         0.1

This output is discussed in detail above, for the .sum file. The string ef is a convenience for performing a search on the output file. If too many print options have been enabled, these data may be difficult to see, since the eigenvectors and eigenvalues may also be printed out each iteration (these are omitted from this example).

If requested, a derivative is performed next. The data are summarized in atomic units:

df              ATOMIC  COORDINATES                        DERIVATIVES
df            x          y          z            x          y          z

df    O     0.000000   0.000000   0.760643     0.000000   0.000000   0.001356
df    H    -1.466430   0.000000  -0.380322    -0.000067   0.000000   0.000710
df    H     1.466430   0.000000  -0.380322     0.000067   0.000000   0.000710

en total energy:      -75.8979617 au      -2065.28950 eV       -47626.609 Kcal/mol
en binding energy:     -0.4132098 au        -11.24402 eV         -259.293 Kcal/mol
en nuclear repulsion energy:          8.9523072 au

Following the final iteration appear the MO eigenvalues in Hartrees and the orbital occupations; these appear in columns, one for each molecular orbital. Expansion coefficients, if requested, appear only for active (not frozen) orbitals. MOs are grouped first by atom, and then by angular momentum, as illustrated in the following example:

  Eigenvalues and occupations:

  Alpha orbitals, symmetry block   1     A1.1
  Degeneracy:   1  Size:  10

            -0.92050E+00 -0.34677E+00 -0.18087E-01  0.86639E-01  0.17483E+00  0.53301E+00  0.69993E+00  0.83403E+00  0.10619E+01  0.16849E+01
                    2.00         2.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00

  Alpha orbitals, symmetry block   2     A2.1
  Degeneracy:   1  Size:   2

             0.17973E+00  0.93957E+00
                    0.00         0.00

  Alpha orbitals, symmetry block   3     B1.1
  Degeneracy:   1  Size:   7

            -0.48549E+00  0.35010E-01  0.15682E+00  0.22545E+00  0.70146E+00  0.10736E+01  0.21747E+01
                    2.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00

  Alpha orbitals, symmetry block   4     B2.1
  Degeneracy:   1  Size:   4

            -0.26857E+00  0.79979E-01  0.71363E+00  0.82303E+00
                    2.00         0.00         0.00         0.00

A record of the geometry optimization follows:

   Searching for a Minimum

   Optimization Cycle:   1

                       Coordinates (Angstroms)
     ATOM       X           Y           Z
    1  o     0.000000    0.000000    0.402515
    2  h    -0.776001    0.000000   -0.201258
    3  h     0.776001    0.000000   -0.201258
   Point Group: C2V  Number of degrees of freedom:   2

   Energy is    -75.897961749

  2 Hessian modes will be used to form the next step
  Hessian Eigenvalues:
     0.200000    0.500000

 Minimum Search - Taking Simple RFO Step
 Searching for Lamda that Minimizes Along All modes
 Value Taken    Lamda =  -0.00000042
 Step Taken.  Stepsize is  0.001310

                             Maximum     Tolerance    Cnvgd?
         Gradient           0.000262      0.001000     YES
         Displacement       0.001201      0.001000      NO
         Energy change        ---         0.000010      NO

opt  (E=)     -75.8979617     (G=)  0.000262     (D=)  0.001201

 New Cartesian Coordinates Obtained by Inverse Iteration
     Cycle:   1  Maximum deviation:   0.00120075
     Cycle:   2  Maximum deviation:   0.00000047
     Cycle:   3  Maximum deviation:   0.00000000
 Displacement from previous Coordinates is:  0.001061

        Total Energy            Binding E    Cnvgnce_Dens     Cnvgnce_E        Time
  Integration points and checksum:       1276       9.999975
  Integration points and checksum:       1276       9.999975
 smallest core norm at, symtry, function       1.000074    1    1
ef    -0.7589795988E+02        -0.4132080     0.0000272        -               0.1
ef    -0.7589796019E+02        -0.4132083     0.0000100     0.00000031         0.1
ef    -0.7589796026E+02        -0.4132083     0.0000053     0.00000007         0.1
ef    -0.7589796019E+02        -0.4132083     0.0000004     0.00000007         0.1

df              ATOMIC  COORDINATES                        DERIVATIVES
df            x          y          z            x          y          z

df    O     0.000000   0.000000   0.759905     0.000000   0.000000   0.001037
df    H    -1.466823   0.000000  -0.379952    -0.000013   0.000000   0.000872
df    H     1.466823   0.000000  -0.379952     0.000013   0.000000   0.000872

en total energy:      -75.8979602 au      -2065.28946 eV       -47626.608 Kcal/mol
en binding energy:     -0.4132083 au        -11.24397 eV         -259.292 Kcal/mol
en nuclear repulsion energy:          8.9539305 au

 Cartesian Hessian Update
 Hessian Updated using BFGS Update

   Searching for a Minimum

   Optimization Cycle:   2 ... 

The molecular orbital spectrum appears next:

 Molecular orbital spectrum: 

 energy of Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital      -0.268577         -7.308
 number of eigenvalues listed: 23 

       state                         eigenvalue          occupation 
                                 (au)            (ev) 

    1   +     1      A1.1      -0.920530        -25.049    2.000 
    2   +     1      B1.1      -0.485682        -13.216    2.000 
    3   +     2      A1.1      -0.346655         -9.433    2.000 
    4   +     1      B2.1      -0.268577         -7.308    2.000 ...
   20   +     9      A1.1       1.061992         28.898    0.000 
   21   +     6      B1.1       1.073702         29.217    0.000 
   22   +    10      A1.1       1.684908         45.849    0.000 
   23   +     7      B1.1       2.175225         59.191    0.000 

The dipole moment appears next, if its evaluation is requested:

Dipole moment vectors (au):
                       x                y                z       
  electronic:     0.000000000      0.000000000     -4.530077247
  nuclear:        0.000000000      0.000000000      3.799524158
  net:            0.000000000      0.000000000     -0.730553089

  dipole magnitude:     0.73055308873 au
                        1.85689792435 debye

If requested, the population analysis begins in the next section. If the population type requested is 2 or 3, the first result displayed is the population matrix (=3) or the reduced population matrix (=2). This gives the effective number of electrons in terms of overlapping pairs of atomic orbitals. For the population matrix, this sum extends over all active atomic orbitals in the basis set. For a reduced population matrix, the sum extends over the types of orbitals in the basis (s, p, d, etc.). The population matrices are followed by an analysis that essentially sums the columns of the population matrices. These give the effective occupations for atomic orbitals, followed by a reduced population analysis for orbital types. Each row contains the atom name and its number as input in the geometry. Following this is an index that indicates the atomic orbital quantum numbers n, l, and ml. Finally come the orbital occupation numbers for - and -spin orbitals; their sum appears in the column labeled charge and their difference in the spin column.

Mulliken Population analysis
 Population matrices are scaled      by 1000. for display

 Population analysis for representation  1    a    
   1 20 0  1.812 1740.
   1 20 0 -0.010    0.    4.
   1 21-1  1.933    0.    0. 1890.
   1 21-1  0.007    0.    0.    0.    4.
   1 21 0  1.617    0.    0.    0.    0. 1398.
   1 21 0  0.001    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    2.
   1 21 1  1.472    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0. 1216.
   1 21 1  0.005    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    1.
   1 32-2  0.000    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.
   1 32-1  0.006    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    6.
   1 32 0  0.008    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    6.
   1 32 1  0.038    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.   11.
   1 32 2  0.002    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    1.
   2 10 0  0.348   30.   -9.    0.    0.   83.   -1.   65.    2.    0.    0.    0.    5.    1.  137.
   2 10 0  0.130   -8.    2.    0.    0.   20.    0.   50.    0.    0.    0.    0.    8.    0.    0.   69.
   2 21-1  0.026    0.    0.   22.    2.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    1.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    2.
   2 21 0  0.012    5.    0.    0.    0.    7.    0.   -1.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    1.
   2 21 1  0.034    9.    0.    0.    0.    1.    0.   15.    1.    0.    0.    0.    1.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    3.
   3 10 0  0.348   30.   -9.    0.    0.   83.   -1.   65.    2.    0.    0.    0.    5.    1.   28.    0.    0.    0.    8.  137.
   3 10 0  0.130   -8.    2.    0.    0.   20.    0.   50.    0.    0.    0.    0.    8.    0.    0.   -8.    0.    0.   -3.    0.
   3 21-1  0.026    0.    0.   22.    2.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    1.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    1.    0.    0.    0.
                    0.    2.
   3 21 0  0.012    5.    0.    0.    0.    7.    0.   -1.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.
                    0.    0.    1.
   3 21 1  0.034    9.    0.    0.    0.    1.    0.   15.    1.    0.    0.    0.    1.    0.    8.   -3.    0.    0.    1.    0.
                    0.    0.    0.    3.
              spin up    down    charge   spin
  O(  1) 20 0  0.9060  0.9060    1.8121  0.0000
  O(  1) 20 0 -0.0051 -0.0051   -0.0101  0.0000
  O(  1) 21-1  0.9665  0.9665    1.9330  0.0000  ...
  H(  3) 10 0  0.0653  0.0653    0.1306  0.0000
  H(  3) 21-1  0.0132  0.0132    0.0264  0.0000
  H(  3) 21 0  0.0064  0.0064    0.0128  0.0000
  H(  3) 21 1  0.0174  0.0174    0.0348  0.0000

 condensed population analysis
              spin up    down    charge   spin
  O(  1) 20    0.9010  0.9010    1.8020  0.0000
  O(  1) 21    2.5185  2.5185    5.0369  0.0000
  O(  1) 32    0.0278  0.0278    0.0556  0.0000
  H(  2) 10    0.2394  0.2394    0.4787  0.0000
  H(  2) 21    0.0370  0.0370    0.0740  0.0000
  H(  3) 10    0.2394  0.2394    0.4787  0.0000
  H(  3) 21    0.0370  0.0370    0.0740  0.0000

 Mulliken atomic charges:
   O    1   -0.8945
   H    2    0.4473
   H    3    0.4473

Next come optional sections such as vibrational data, thermodynamic results, and optical absorption spectra. These should be self explanatory. For example:

Harmonic frequencies will be computed by finite differences.
      Number of displacements per atom is:   1
      Step size for finite differences is:   0.010000 Bohrs

  finite difference step for:
    atom number   1
    coordinate    1
    step number   1
  Integration points and checksum:       4115       9.999978
  Integration points and checksum:       4115       9.999978
 smallest core norm at, symtry, function       1.000076    1    1

        Total Energy            Binding E    Cnvgnce_Dens     Cnvgnce_E        Time
ef    -0.7589794672E+02        -0.4131948     0.0002132     0.00000000         0.5
ef    -0.7589794605E+02        -0.4131941     0.0001482     0.00000067         0.5
ef    -0.7589794601E+02        -0.4131941     0.0000246     0.00000004         0.5
ef    -0.7589794593E+02        -0.4131940     0.0000020     0.00000008         0.6
ef    -0.7589794596E+02        -0.4131940     0.0000006     0.00000003         0.6

Dipole moment vectors (au):
                       x                y                z 
  electronic:    -0.065338854      0.000000000     -4.530158647
  nuclear:        0.060000000      0.000000000      3.799524158
  net:           -0.005338854      0.000000000     -0.730634489

  dipole magnitude:     0.73065399469 au
                        1.85715440409 debye

df              ATOMIC  COORDINATES                        DERIVATIVES
df            x          y          z            x          y          z

df    O     0.010000   0.000000   0.759905     0.005685   0.000000   0.001181
df    H    -1.466823   0.000000  -0.379952    -0.003131   0.000000  -0.001532
df    H     1.466823   0.000000  -0.379952    -0.003139   0.000000   0.003198

  finite difference step for:
    atom number   1
    coordinate    2
    step number   1 ... 
-.9200000E-05 -.2984700E-02
0.7188850E-02 0.5229500E-03 0.4148981E+00
-.2905413E+00 -.3994000E-03 -.1701898E+00 0.3429663E+00
0.6409500E-03 0.9383000E-03 0.1804500E-03 -.5365000E-03 -.2210000E-04
-.2288350E+00 -.4491000E-03 -.2004691E+00 0.2070463E+00 -.4003000E-03
-.3071367E+00 0.4093000E-03 0.1778562E+00 -.2642910E-01 -.1160000E-04
0.3295555E-01 0.3368018E+00
-.6318000E-03 0.9396000E-03 0.1836000E-03 0.7800000E-05 -.3626000E-03
0.1690000E-04 0.5302500E-03 -.2450000E-04
0.2249323E+00 -.4552500E-03 -.2004691E+00 -.3390555E-01 0.2110000E-04
0.8774250E-02 -.2102494E+00 -.3985000E-03 0.1869308E+00

 dipole moment derivatives:
0.5338854E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.8140000E-02
-.3140000E-03 0.6394306E+00 -.1524600E-02
0.2100000E-05 -.3030000E-03 0.3693550E+00
-.2675467E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.8087570E-01
0.4166000E-03 -.3197269E+00 -.1336100E-02
0.4074980E-01 0.1808000E-03 -.1780179E+00
-.2685752E+00 -.6000000E-06 -.7356890E-01
0.7132000E-03 -.3197247E+00 -.2673000E-03
-.4075170E-01 0.1819000E-03 -.1780198E+00

     vibrational frequencies, intensities
  mode     a.u.         cm-1        km/mol

    7      0.3063      1574.6       77.88
    8      0.6996      3596.4        3.64
    9      0.7270      3737.2       81.95

  Frequencies (cm-1) and normal modes (ang)

        7: 1574.6    8: 3596.4    9: 3737.2
 O  x     -0.0006      -0.0007      -0.1428
    y      0.0000       0.0000       0.0000
    z     -0.1461      -0.0999       0.0011
 H  x     -0.2100       0.3102       0.2839
    y      0.0000       0.0000       0.0000
    z      0.2920       0.2000       0.2189
 H  x      0.2124      -0.3076       0.2850
    y      0.0000       0.0000       0.0000
    z      0.2902       0.1980      -0.2232

     Dipole derivatives wrt normal modes   
  mode               dMu/dmode [a.u.]      

    7:         -0.0016    0.0002   -0.2820
    8:         -0.0008    0.0002   -0.0610
    9:         -0.2892    0.0000    0.0048


   Zero point vibrational energy:       12.735 kcal/mol

   Atom    1 Element O  Has Mass   15.99940
   Atom    2 Element H  Has Mass    1.00790
   Atom    3 Element H  Has Mass    1.00790
   Molecular Mass:    18.015200 amu
   Principal axes and moments of inertia in atomic units:
                           1         2         3
    Eigenvalues --      2.32602   4.33713   6.66315
          X             1.00000   0.00000   0.00000
          Y             0.00000   0.00000   1.00000
          Z             0.00000   1.00000   0.00000
   Rotational Symmetry Number is   1
   The Molecule is an Asymetric Top
   Symmetry Point Group C2V 

   H,Trans:             0.889 kcal/mol
   H,Rot  :             0.889 kcal/mol
   H,Vib  :            12.737 kcal/mol
   S,Trans:            34.609  cal/mol.K
   S,Rot  :            11.984  cal/mol.K
   S,Vib  :             0.009  cal/mol.K
   C,Trans:             4.968  cal/mol.K
   C,Rot  :             2.981  cal/mol.K
   C,Vib  :             0.058  cal/mol.K
   H,Total:            14.515 kcal/mol
   S,Total:            46.601  cal/mol.K
   C,Total:             8.006  cal/mol.K
   G,Total:             0.620 kcal/mol


DMol calculates the thermodynamic properties in the temperature range 198.15-298.15 K, every 10 K. The valuds of S, Cp, H, and G are listed as a function of temperature.


       T        Entropy   Heat_Capacity   Enthalphy   Free_Energy
      (K)          S  (cal/mol.K)  C         H  (kcal/mol)  G


  1  198.15       43.345        7.952       13.916        5.327
  2  208.15       43.737        7.953       13.976        4.872
  3  218.15       44.110        7.955       14.035        4.413
  4  228.15       44.467        7.958       14.095        3.950 ...
 15  338.15       47.612        8.059       14.756       -1.344
 16  348.15       47.847        8.075       14.817       -1.841
 17  358.15       48.076        8.092       14.878       -2.340
 18  368.15       48.299        8.110       14.939       -2.842
 19  378.15       48.517        8.129       15.001       -3.346
 20  388.15       48.729        8.148       15.062       -3.852
 21  398.15       48.937        8.169       15.124       -4.361


Finally, the .outmol file concludes with the run time:

all done time     2.514

HSOH example including ESP-fitted point charges

When you run DMol with a run_name.input file containing the ESP_Charges keyword set to 1 (on), the run_name.outmol file includes a section listing information about the ESP setup, as well as the results for the atomic ESP-fitted point charges.

A run using an HSOH molecule is used to illustrate the file. DMol was run using the VWN potential with the minimal (MIN) basis set. The relevant sections of the run_name.outmol file are as follows:

Section for fitting the atomic charges to reproduce the
        electrostatic potential (ESP)

File espfit.inp does not exist and therefore the program will use
default values to build the ESP layer.

The ESP layer will be built using the following data:

The distance between points in cubic grid (A):     0.30

The width of ESP layer diffusion border (A):       0.10

atomic number and symbol     internal and external radius (A)
         8           O          1.70         2.80
         1           H          1.45         2.80
        16           S          2.00         2.80
         1           H          1.45         2.80

Parameters of box for ESP calculations [A]:
                   Min:     Max:   Spaces:
1) x direction:    0.6000   9.0000   28
2) y direction:   -3.0000   5.1000   27
3) z direction:  -12.6000  -5.1000   25

Plotting input:
 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0  0
  0: representation ordered specification of wavefcns

 output is:
    1  static_potential

 grid specifications   3   1.134  -5.669 -23.811  25   1.134  -5.669  -9.638
 grid specifications  27   1.134   9.638 -23.811  28  17.008  -5.669 -23.811
          21112 grid points were specified

DMol ESP potential from the file:
will be used to calculate ESP-fitted charges.

Total number of grid points in box:    21112
Approx. weighted no. of points used:     4954

Atomic charges fit to the electrostatic potential:
(fix = charge frozen, opt = charge optimized)

    Atom       ESP-fitted charges:

   O    1  opt       -0.3747
   H    2  opt        0.3192
   S    3  opt       -0.0431
   H    4  opt        0.0987

Analysis of the ESP charge fitting results

Weighted number of used grid points:    4954.9
Range of used potential:   -27.41 to   38.53 kcal/mol
RMS of used potential  :    10.04 kcal/mol
RMS of fit deviation   :     2.71 kcal/mol
RRMS of fit deviation  :     27.0 %

 ESP_fit time     2.014



First, you are informed that an espfit.inp file does not exist and therefore DMol will use default values to build the ESP layer. The input data used to build the ESP layer is listed next, followed by the parameters of the box.

The parameters of the box and the grid specification conform to the standard DMol (Insight) way of constructing a grid for plotting, as are described under Plot files (next section).

A special ESP potential file is created in your current directory with the name run_name_potenesp.grd.

The data in this file are used to generate atomic point charges. After the DMol run, this file is removed from your directory.

The atomic charges fit to the electrostatic potential are listed for all atoms of the molecule including information as to whether atomic charges are optimized (opt) or fixed (fix). The ESP charge-fitting section ends with a display of the analysis of the fitting results.

.cosmo file

Similar to ordinary DMol runs, several files are written during DMol/COSMO runs. Only the run_name.outmol file differs from the standard (gas phase) .outmol file. Also, an additional file that contains the COSMO results (run_name.cosmo) is created.

The .cosmo file summarizes the final results of the DMol/COSMO run. Following is an example file for formaldehyde (H2CO):

DMol/COSMO Results 

                    COSMO input 

  Dielectric Constant                   = 35.90
  Basic Grid Size                       =  1082
  Number of Segments                    =   162
  Solvent Radius                        =  0.30
  A - Matrix Cutoff                     = 10.00
  Radius Increment                      =  0.10
  Non-Electrostatic Energy = A+B*area   
  A   =  1.94242    B  =  0.01515

  Total energy (au) [TE]  
  {including COSMO solvation energy, Eq.2}   =  -113.6425037629
  Dielectric energy (au) {1/2<q|U>} [DE]     =    -0.0114457888

  Total energy corrected (au) [TE(corr)] 
  {TE(corr) = TE + DE(corr) - DE}            =  -113.6427402387
  Dielectric energy corrected (au) [DE(corr)] 
  {DE(corr) = (q+q")A(q+q")}                 =    -0.0116822646

  {U is the potential on the inner cavity
  it depends on the accurate density}

  Sum of polarization charges {q}         =   -0.03270
  Sum of polarization charges(corrected)
  {q+q"}                                  =   -0.01282

  Total surface area  (Angstrom**2)       =    48.03750

  Nonelectrostatic Solvation Energy (kcal/mol) =     2.6701880525

  Total energy corrected (au) [TE(corr)]  
  + Non-Electrostatic Energy                =  -113.6384863825

The meanings of these terms are explained under COSMO--solvation effects.

                               Segment information:

          n             - segment number
          atom          - atom associated with segment n
          position      - segment coordinates
          charge        - segment charge
          area          - segment area  
          potential     - solute potential on a segment

The positions of the segment (or screening charges) coordinates are given in atomic units, and the segment area is in square angstroms. The potential is computed as BQ (see Eq. 79). A partial printout of the .cosmo file follows.

  n   atom        position (X, Y, Z) [au]        charge      area      charge/area  potential

   1    1      -1.00629   2.98137  -0.98905    -0.00018     0.17784    -0.00102     0.00804
   2    1      -2.06157  -2.57472  -0.21063    -0.00045     0.10670    -0.00424     0.02457
   3    1       3.01776  -0.95827  -0.92618    -0.00113     0.14227    -0.00797     0.01037
   4    1       2.15013   2.50419   0.23425    -0.00118     0.14227    -0.00829     0.03352
   5    1      -0.52942   2.27232   2.37204    -0.00087     0.17784    -0.00487     0.05326

 223    4      -3.62541  -1.01677   2.01547    -0.00444     0.41810    -0.01062     0.05367
 224    4      -3.65214  -0.44226  -0.11210    -0.00420     0.35121    -0.01196     0.03459
 225    4      -3.30843   1.58814   0.52771    -0.00386     0.33448    -0.01154     0.04187
 226    4      -2.97984   1.32927   2.53749    -0.00310     0.36793    -0.00842     0.05558
 227    4      -2.79358  -0.71663   3.03613    -0.00335     0.38466    -0.00870     0.05776
 228    4      -2.97706  -1.93600   1.26244    -0.00372     0.36793    -0.01011     0.04827
 229    4      -2.14487   1.93148   2.26391    -0.00338     0.31776    -0.01065     0.05537
 230    4      -1.76656   1.11525   3.09975    -0.00415     0.38466    -0.01080     0.05974
 231    4      -1.55853  -0.11920   3.37680    -0.00394     0.36793    -0.01070     0.06092
 232    4      -1.76367  -1.25666   3.01283    -0.00403     0.36793    -0.01095     0.05941
 233    4      -2.18916  -2.03683   2.04514    -0.00296     0.25086    -0.01180     0.05398

Occupancy file

An occupancy file is created automatically at the end of each SCF run. A new file is created, named run_name.occup. This file contains information about the distribution of electrons in various irreducible representations and facilitates calculation of the excited states with DMol. Fixed occupancy can be used in a standalone DMol run by entering:

Occupation   File 

in the input file. The program then expects the run_name.occup file to reside in the working directory. The occupancy provided in the .occup file is used throughout the DMol run.

The format and content of the .occup file are the same as for the nonstandard input of occupancy, as explained under Occupation.

Optical absorption results

The results of the optical absorption calculation are contained in the run_name.outmol and run_name.sum files and in a separate file called run_name.optabs that is used for visualization of the optical absorption spectrum with the Spectrum_Display command of the DMol module in Insight.

The .optabs file contains two columns: the first for the transition energies, the second for the square of the transition dipole moment associated with the transition energy. Atomic units are used for both the transition energy and the "intensity" (which is reported as the square of the dipole transition moment). Units can be converted with the graph equation facility combined with the unit converter in the Insight interface.

Plot files

The grid data for plotting each electronic property appear in individual files, which are compatible with the Contour utility of the Insight program. The files used to store data are shown in Table 6.

Table 6. Data-Storage Files for Plotting

file name property
run_name_density.grd   charge density  
run_name_homo.grd   HOMO contours  
run_name_lumo.grd   LUMO contours  
run_name_spindens.grd   spin density  
run_name_deformat.grd   deformation density  
run_name_potentia.grd   electrostatic potential  
run_name.differen.grd   difference density  
run_name_##_mo.grd   molecular orbital no. ##  

Each file begins with a title, which is the same as that used in the .inmol or .input file.

The second line of each file contains a format descriptor of the data as written out by DMol. This format should be (1p,e12.5).

Following this comes a line that specifies the unit cell of the data to be plotted: the cell lengths a, b, and c in angstroms, followed by the cell angles , , and . The unit cell is the size of the grid used for plotting. This is generally a cube with edges parallel to the x, y, and z axes. In this case, a, b, and c define the size of the plotting grid, and the cell angles are all 90°.

The fourth line indicates the number of grid spacing in each direction. These are the same numbers as specified in the Grid keyword in the .input file or in the .inmol file.

The fifth line is used to tell the Insight program which index varies the fastest (a, b, or c) in the grid data and where the Cartesian coordinate origin is relative to the edges of the cell. The fastest varying index must be x or y. A 1 means that x varies fastest, and 3 means y varies fastest. The next six numbers indicate the number of grid spacings to the left and right of the origin in each of the directions a, b, and c. The Contour utility, used to interpolate level surfaces through the data, requires these numbers to be integers, which is generally not possible unless special care is taken in specifying the original grid. If an .input file was used to specify the Grid keyword, then your input parameters may have been slightly modified to make sure that there are an integer number of spaces on each side of the origin. If this is not the case, then DMol rounds off and uses the closest possible integers.


In the Contour utility, either x or y varies the fastest; a, b, and c correspond to x, y, and z. Thus, the first or second coordinate is assumed to vary most rapidly. In specifying the grid with DMol, be sure that the last grid specification point defines the x or y direction, since the last point defines the fastest-varying index. When using the .input file, DMol checks this itself.  

The explanations above are made more clear by example. The following grid specifications are used to generate data for plotting:

 grid specifications  3 -7.30 -1.00 -5.50  15 -7.30 -1.00  5.50
 grid specifications  4 -7.30  1.00 -5.50  10  4.80 -1.00 -5.50

This defines a 3D grid extending from the point (-7.3x, -1.0y, -5.5z) to (+4.8x, +1.0y, +5.5z). A total of 10 spaces are used in the x direction, 4 in y, and 15 in z. The .spindens file contains the spin density, that is, the charge density for alpha electrons minus that for beta electrons. It looks like:

 Hydrazene  calculation with d,d extended basis, L=3,2 potential
   6.403   1.058   5.821  90.000  90.000  90.000
   10    4   15
    1   -6    4   -2    2   -8    7

The data are the values of the spin density generated on the grid. The first line is a title. The second line is the format of the grid data. The third line is the size of the plotting grid in angstroms. For example, since x runs from -7.3 to +4.8 Bohrs (a distance of 12.1 Bohrs), the a parameter on line 3 is 6.403 Å. The fourth line reflects the grid spacings defined in the grid specifications: 10, 4, and 15 spaces in the x, y, and z directions, respectively.

The fifth line indicates to the Contour utility which index moves fastest and where the origin is relative to the grid. The 1 indicates that x varies the most rapidly. Note that x is also the last direction specified in the grid specifications. The data -6 4 -2 2 -8 7 tell the program that of the 10 spaces in x, 6 lie to the left and 4 to the right of the origin. This is not quite correct, since the distance is not exactly divisible by 10. DMol writes out a coordinate file with appropriately shifted values, to be compatible with the plotting files. (See the documentation for the Insight program for more information.)

The next lines contain the actual values of the spin densities. In each direction, there is one more grid POINT than there are grid SPACES. The total number of grid points in this case is (10 + 1) (4 + 1) (15 + 1) = 880.

Because the x direction is the last specified in the grid specifications, the x coordinate varies the most rapidly. Similarly, z varies the slowest, since it is specified first. The first of the 880 data points corresponds to the value of the spin density at the origin, (-7.3x, -1.0y, -5.5z). The second data point corresponds to a coordinate displaced in the x direction (because x varies the fastest). The point is 1/10th of the way to +4.8x (because 10 spaces were specified in the input). The eleventh data point corresponds to the coordinates (+4.8x, -1.0y, -5.5z). The twelfth point restarts at -7.3x but is displaced in the y direction. Following this pattern, the distribution of the first 55 points is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Numbering of points in the example plot for the first plane (z = -5.5)

The 56th point begins a new z plane, displaced by 1/15th of the distance from -5.5z to +5.5z, which is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Numbering of points in the example plot for the second plane (z = 4.766)

This pattern continues until the final plane, z = +5.5 is reached. The last 55 points (826 through 880) correspond to this plane and are shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Numbering of points in the example plot for the last plane (z = +5.5)

.hess File

The .hess file stores the gradient data generated by finite-difference calculations. With this file, it is possible to restart an interrupted frequency calculation with the keyword FrqRestart. The .hess file starts with the gradients and dipole moment for the unperturbed geometry, that is, the input geometry if a frequency calculation is requested or the optimized geometry if Optimize_Frequency is requested. Following this are the values for the gradients and dipole moments at the displaced geometries:

iat, ix, istep, vibdif (3i5,2f20.9)

iat Number of atom being displaced (0 for initial
ix Cartesian coordinate being displaced:
0 for initial geometry
1 = x
2 = y
3 = z
istep 1 for + step. The first step in 2-point difference,
or the only step of 1-point.
2 for (-) step. Second step of 2-point difference.
vibdif Size of step in finite difference.
Following this come one line of input for each atom, with the gradients in Hartrees Bohr-1 (3f20.9), then the x, y and z dipole moments (in atomic units).

Output from statistical mechanics

Sample stat_mech.output file

Stat_Mech Sample Output File

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#      273.150 K <= T <=      373.150 K. Stepsize =        1.000 K
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Moments of Inertia + Rotational Constants 

    0.66126877    1.21227439    1.87354316     [a.m.u.*A^2]
    1.09808004    2.01306088    3.11114092     [10^(-40)g*cm^2]
   25.49284936   13.90578359    8.99772453     [cm^(-1)]
   Rotor_Info : The Molecule is an Asymetric Top

 ===> Symmetry Number =    2

 ===> Zero Point Vibration Energy [kcal/mol] =       12.846

@Temperature [K]               273.150
@Pressure [atm]                  1.000
                                 trans        rot         vib        total
@Enthalpy [kcal/mol]             0.814       0.814      12.847      14.476
@Entropy [cal/mol.K]            34.174      10.363       0.004      44.540
@Gibbs Energy [kcal/mol]        -8.520      -2.016      12.846       2.310
@Heat Capacity [cal/mol.K]       4.968       2.981       0.028       7.977

@Temperature [K]               274.150
@Pressure [atm]                  1.000
                                 trans        rot         vib        total
@Enthalpy [kcal/mol]             0.817       0.817      12.847      14.482
@Entropy [cal/mol.K]            34.192      10.373       0.004      44.569
@Gibbs Energy [kcal/mol]        -8.557      -2.027      12.846       2.263
@Heat Capacity [cal/mol.K]       4.968       2.981       0.028       7.977

@Temperature [K]               275.150
@Pressure [atm]                  1.000
                                 trans        rot         vib        total
@Enthalpy [kcal/mol]             0.820       0.820      12.847      14.488

Sample stat_mech.tbl file

Stat_Mech Sample Table File

Statistical Thermodynamics (TBL)
TITLE: Temperature
FUNCTION: Temperature
TITLE: Pressure
FUNCTION: Pressure
TITLE: Translational Enthalpy
FUNCTION: Translational Enthalpy
TITLE: Rotational Enthalpy
FUNCTION: Rotational Enthalpy
TITLE: Vibrational Enthalpy
FUNCTION: Vibrational Enthalpy
TITLE: Enthalpy
FUNCTION: Enthalpy
TITLE: Translational Entropy
FUNCTION: Translational Entropy
TITLE: Rotational Entropy
FUNCTION: Rotational Entropy
TITLE: Vibrational Entropy
FUNCTION: Vibrational Entropy
TITLE: Entropy
TITLE: Translational Gibbs Energy
FUNCTION: Translational Gibbs Energy
TITLE: Rotational Gibbs Energy
FUNCTION: Rotational Gibbs Energy
TITLE: Vibrational Gibbs Energy
FUNCTION: Vibrational Gibbs Energy
TITLE: Gibbs Energy
FUNCTION: Gibbs Energy
TITLE: Translational Heat Capacity
FUNCTION: Translational Heat Capacity
TITLE: Rotational Heat Capacity
FUNCTION: Rotational Heat Capacity
TITLE: Vibrational Heat Capacity
FUNCTION: Vibrational Heat Capacity
TITLE: Heat Capacity
FUNCTION: Heat Capacity
  273.150000    1.000000    0.814202    0.814202   12.847304   14.475709   34.174005   10.362593    0.003613   
44.540211   -8.520427   -2.016340   12.846317    2.309550    4.967981    2.980788    0.027736    7.976505


The data for each temperature are written on one line for each temperature point.  

Scratch files

DMol creates several scratch files:

Several of DMol's subprograms also produce scratch files:

Last updated September 25, 1997 at 03:14PM PDT.
Copyright © 1997, Molecular Simulations, Inc. All rights reserved.