Current notes:
Other notes:
NMR related Lectures:
Biomacromolecule-biomacromolecule interactions as probed by NMR spectroscopy
NMR Spectroscopy - Instrumental Analysis for Chemical Engineers
Product operator simulator (Prodop_nmr) for octave 4.4
Octave can be installed in many different ways:
Recommended: Here, prodop.ova, is an Ubuntu Mate 18.04 virtual machine containing Octave 4.4 and the 2spin and 3spin folders for use with Oracle's Virtualbox (
md5sum f154e2f34833b9051900ea6758b4017e
The download file is ~5 GB. Oracle's Virtualbox (vbox) installs easily and works smoothly on Windows, OSX, and linux. Once vbox is installed, Double click on prodop.ova and select import from the vbox gui that starts. Once the install has completed, double click on prodop in the VM window and the virtualmachine will open. If necessary, the username and password are nmrfam.
It may be necessary to enable virtualization in your computers BIOS.
The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing
Old material:
Basic NMR Chapt1.pdf
The Vector Paradigm Chapt2.pdf
Rotational Frequencies and Angles Chapt3.pdf
Rotation Matrices Chapt4.pdf
Rotating Frame Chapt5.pdf
Effective Fields Chapt6.pdf
Relaxation Chapt7.pdf
The Fourier Transform Chapt8.pdf
Detection Chapt9.pdf
Phase Cycling and Pulsed Field Gradients Chapt10.pdf
Two-dimensional NMR Chapt11.pdf
The Nuclear Overhauser Effect Chapt12.pdf
Theoretical Description of Coupling - Product Operators Chapt13.pdf
Coherence Flow Networks Chapt14.pdf
Coherence Transfer Chapt15.pdf
Homonuclear Correlated Spectroscopy (COSY) Chapt16.pdf
Heteronuclear Shift Correlations Chapt17.pdf